
Priti v stik

Kaj počnemo

Design and manufacture the tank products, to enable the intermodal logistics and transportation for liquid & gas products all over the world!

Standardni rezervoar ISO vrstica

For hazardous/non-hazardous liquid chemicals, food liquid, and general liquid products, covered by ASME, GB, European standard, etc. to serve the world market unimpeded.

Standardni rezervoar ISO
Posebni rezervoar po meri

Posebni rezervoar po meri vrstica

NTtank entered the new market, involve in Chip, lithum, photovoltaic solar and other emerging industries, to supply multiply types of customized designed tank products to these industries.

Industrijske aplikacije

Izberite svojo panogo

ISO tanks are used in various industries, such as logistic transportation, energy and chemical industry, marine exploration, liquid food, electronic materials, etc. Which industry are you in?

  • Logistični prevoz
  • Energetika in kemična industrija
  • Raziskovanje morja
  • Tekoča hrana
  • Elektronski materiali
O nas

Glejte prek naslednjih platform:ti bodi

O nas

Established in May, 2007, NANTONG TANK CONTAINER CO., LTD (NTtank) is a professional ISO tank container manufacturer located in Nantong, Jiangsu, China, close to Shanghai. NTtank is the first wholly owned subsidiary of Square Technology Group. (Stock Code: 603339), besides NTtank the group has other five wholly owned subsidiaries and one research institute...

Naša prednost

Zakaj izbrati nas

Naše izkušnje pri testiranju procesov in vrhunski proizvodni obrati zagotavljajo, da je vaš rezervoar izdelan po najvišjih standardih. S številnimi uspešnimi primeri v rezervoarjih ISO nam zaupajte, da bomo zagotovili kakovost in zanesljivost. Obrnite se na naše strokovnjake, da poiščete popoln rezervoar za vašo industrijo.

Sodelujte z nami

Poklicni proizvajalec Cisterne
Vaš najboljši partner v logistiki

Naša storitev

Kako nas ocenjujejo stranke

Naše stranke so večinoma najemodajalci svetovnih rezervoarjev, operaterji, logistična podjetja, končni uporabniki itd.

Ouality Control


We have worked with NTtank for many years by using their produced ISO tanks. NTtank’s products are very good in quality, and advanced in technical design, with lighter tare weight, good strength in intermodal transportation, which enable us for booming business in the world logistic market!


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