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그룹의 "지능형 냉동 탱크 컨테이너" 프로젝트는 중국 냉동 연구소(China Institute of Refrigeration)로부터 과학 기술 진보상을 수상했습니다.

시간 : 2022-03-12 조회수 : 85

On 9 March 2022, the award ceremony of the 10th (2021) Chinese Society of Refrigeration Science and Technology Award was held during the annual meeting of the Chinese Society of Refrigeration. Academician Jiang Yi, director of the Chinese Society of Refrigeration, announced the "Decision on Commending and Rewarding the Winning Projects and Relevant Personnel of the Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Society of Refrigeration for the Year of 2021", and the Group's "Intelligent Refrigerated Tank Container" project won the second prize. 

"Intelligent refrigerated tank container" is adapted to the transport of materials shipped in the process of large changes in ambient temperature, is a high demand for temperature changes in the mobile transport unit, the applicable medium for the liquid, which can make the temperature of the materials in the tank to maintain the permissible range, to ensure that the temperature of the materials transported to maintain the control of the temperature in the range of ± 1 ℃, is widely used for It is widely used for cross-sea transport of foodstuffs and chemical liquid goods and domestic cold chain logistics transport, and its external dimensions meet the requirements of ISO 20-foot standard container. This project is the benchmark high-quality product of the Group, which has strong technical advantages in the current field of refrigerated tank containers.

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