Navrhněte a vyrobte tankové produkty, abyste umožnili intermodální logistiku a přepravu kapalných a plynných produktů po celém světě!
For hazardous/non-hazardous liquid chemicals, food liquid, and general liquid products, covered by ASME, GB, European standard, etc. to serve the world market unimpeded.
NTtank entered the new market, involve in Chip, lithum, photovoltaic solar and other emerging industries, to supply multiply types of customized designed tank products to these industries.
ISO tanks are used in various industries, such as logistic transportation, energy and chemical industry, marine exploration, liquid food, electronic materials, etc. Which industry are you in?
Sledujte prostřednictvím následujících platforem:
Established in May, 2007, NANTONG TANK CONTAINER CO., LTD (NTtank) is a professional ISO tank container manufacturer located in Nantong, Jiangsu, China, close to Shanghai. NTtank is the first wholly owned subsidiary of Square Technology Group. (Stock Code: 603339), besides NTtank the group has other five wholly owned subsidiaries and one research institute...
Naše zkušenosti s testováním procesů a špičkovými výrobními zařízeními zajišťují, že vaše nádrž bude postavena podle nejvyšších standardů. S mnoha úspěšnými případy v nádržích ISO nám důvěřujte, že dodáme kvalitu a spolehlivost. Kontaktujte naše odborníky a najděte perfektní nádrž pro vaše odvětví.
Frame:static testing and rail impact testing Vessel:x-ray NDT testing Hydraulic test,air tightness test
All imported machineries including auto matic plasma welding machines,roller machine real-time radiography testing,3D acid picking and passivation system,com-plete blasting line,etc.
By classification societies like LR,BV,CCS etc.
Every tiny detail deserves our close attention,and every little action is an integral part of the company's workforce.
At our company, we value the customer experience and strive to provide the best pre-sale service possible. Our team of experts is available to answer your questions, provide guidance, and work with you to find the perfect solution for your needs. Contact us today to start your “tank journey”.
Our commitment to quality extends to every aspect of our business, including sales. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized service, from consultation to delivery. We strive to ensure a seamless and stress-free experience, so you can trust us for all your customized tank needs.
Our commitment to quality doesn't end with the sale. We offer a comprehensive after-sale service to ensure your tank is installed and operating smoothly. Our team of professionals is dedicated to resolving any issues promptly and efficiently. Trust us for reliable and long-lasting solutions for your tank needs.
Mezi naše zákazníky patří především světoví pronajímatelé nádrží, operátoři, logistické společnosti, koncoví uživatelé atd.
We have worked with NTtank for many years by using their produced ISO tanks. NTtank’s products are very good in quality, and advanced in technical design, with lighter tare weight, good strength in intermodal transportation, which enable us for booming business in the world logistic market!