Established in May 2007, NANTONG TANK CONTAINER CO., LTD (NTtank) is a professional ISO tank container manufacturer located in Nantong, China, close to Shanghai. NTtank is the first wholly owned subsidiary of Square Technology Group. (Stock Code: 603339). Besides NTtank, Square Technology Group has other five wholly owned subsidiaries and one research institute.
NTtank supplies both standard ISO UN Portable tanks and customized special tanks, with an annual capacity of 10,000 standard ISO tanks and 2,000 multi-type special tanks. To ensure high-quality tank containers, we have equipped with advanced production equipment, making us one of the most advanced production lines in the world's tank container manufacturing industry.
We have passed ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001 system certifications, and obtained the C2 mobile pressure vessel manufacturing qualification, ASME certificate, and classification societies such as CCS, LR, BV, RMRS, DNV, and so on. Our products comply with the transportation management regulation of various European countries and America. Therefore, they can be transported globally. We currently have over 500 customers in more than 55 countries and regions, involved in financial leasing, logistics, transportation, energy & chemical industry, marine exploration, and electronic materials, which distributes to the sustained development and growth of Square Technology Group.
Kontrola kvality je při výrobě nádrží zásadní a ve společnosti NTTank máme jeden z nejpřísnějších kontrolních postupů v oboru. Naši zkušení pracovníci se za posledních deset let neustále zdokonalovali a zajistili, že naše nádrže splňují nejvyšší standardy kvality.
NTTank now serves over 100 customers in 17 countries worldwide, a testament to the trust our customers have placed in us. We're grateful for their continued support as we strive to provide the highest quality tanks and services.
Naši partneři také důvěřují společnosti NTTank, že dodá vysoce kvalitní nádrže. Díky nezávislému dodavatelskému řetězci jsme schopni vyrábět nádrže v nejvyšší kvalitě a získat si důvěru nejen našich zákazníků, ale i našich partnerů.